work with me

Are you ready to truly love your job again?

You’re travelling on the train home from work on a packed train feeling tired and sluggish—you swipe your card to exit and walk home in the dark.

You enter your home.

it’s 7PM.

You notice how very tired you are...

...realising you need to start dinner in your not-so-neat kitchen.

As the pasta boils away you stare into it blankly– all you can think about is that unplanned meeting you have with your boss tmrw.

Maybe you’re thinking 'one day I won’t be so afraid of my boss' and walk into that meeting confidently.

Maybe you think a new job would solve the problem...

..but how many times has that happened and you end up in the same spot–afraid of your boss?

It’s almost like this feeling keeps following you everywhere you go and no matter how many new jobs it’s always there– that fear.

Imagine if there was a way you could EMBRACE this fear like a friend instead of fighting it

Use it to show up confidently to your boss...

...when asking for a raise or that new promotion.

But HOW does one make friends with fear without overwhelming themselves in the process without becoming even more fearful OR worse making those fears come true?

The epic work & life program

That’s what we work on exactly in my 1:1 Epic Work & Life Program

A 6-month transformational program for high achievers who want to create a dream career and a fulfilling life.

In my program I will teach you this and more...

  1. How your own unhelpful patterns are impacting your life so you can stop worrying about work on the weekends.

  2. How to stop holding yourself back so you can stop feeling compelled to say yes to ALL work projects.

  3. Stop the unhelpful patterns in real time BEFORE they create havoc in your life so you can do a lot MORE without spending alot of time in overwhelm.

  4. Become an expert at applying my magic tool to ANY problem as it happens to stop feeling angry at your boss.

  5. Get negative emotions out of your body so you can quickly feel better and actually get your work done.

  6. Learn an easy hack to overcome your fears so you can promote yourself in the workplace (without feeling ashamed) and earn your next raise.

  7. Create simple changes to fall back in love with yourself so you can take a sick day with ZERO guilt.

  8. Initiate a realistic plan to feel confident on command so you can feel excited before a big presentation.

These steps bridge the gap...

...from the fear and misery you’re in now to feeling confident and loving your job again.

Book in a discovery call to find out more


  • There are a ton of definitions online but let you give me my take…you have a ton of unhelpful patterns keeping you stuck in a cycle of overworking, people pleasing and hating your job. My job is to help you master the skills in my 8 step program (customised to you specific needs) so you can create a career you LOVE and weekends you truly enjoy.

    At the end of this program you will have mastered the key skills you need to continue earning your next promotion whilst not burning out.

  • Listen a quick google search will give you an answer….but let you give you my real take on this the true difference is I will challenge you on all the beliefs and help you master a tool to stop getting in the way of your own talent and success. A psychologist/psychiatrist may agree with your reality and try give you strategies to mitigate it - I will challenge it and show you how to take back control.

    I am evidence of this seeing a psychologist for over 15 years and on multiple different types of anti-depressant it was coaching that truly transformed my whole life allowing me to get promoted 2x in under a year (without burning out AND running a coaching business).

    If this is a concern on whether this is right for you set up a Discovery Call so I can help you figure out if my program is a right fit for you!

  • It’s a program I created with my 10 years experience in corporate including background in psychology/training as a coach condensed down into 8 simple steps with 1:1 weekly calls over 26 weeks with daily support in-between via WhatsApp.

  • All new clients start in my 6 month Epic Work & Life program to ensure you have ample time to master the skills you are learning with continued customised support from me as you create your new life and achieve big goals in your corporate career!

    Once you’ve worked with me for 6 months fully versed in my program you have the opportunity to continue with different programs available.

  • There will never be a right time. If you’re browsing my website and got to my FAQ’s it’s because there is a part of you that needs change. Do you really want to continue your entire corporate career which is decades of time hating your job? This is the sign to it’s the right time to make a change.

  • YES! I was about to quit my corporate career entirely you don’t have to be wanting a promotion if you’re looking to establish a better work-life balance with clear boundaries but still enjoy your job then book in a Discovery Call to find out how I can help you!

  • All my clients have a busy schedule when they start with me and I will show you how to create more time with less effort in my program. You also have the ability to schedule calls around your time! Going on holiday? No worries you don’t lose your calls if you miss a week or two and we pick back up where we left off

  • The real question is how long do you want to continue absolutely hating your job? Going in everyday like a mindless drone wishing you were somewhere else dreaming of a better life for the next 20-30 years day in and day out with some brief respite on the weekend (but even then you’re too exhausted to do anything!)

    I will show you how to master key skills to truly feel passion everyday in your job so no more ‘Scary Sundays’ you look forward to Monday! You can have your big corporate gal career earning your next promo without burning out and having more enjoyable weekends!!

    During the Discover Call I will take you through the pricing including payment options available there is no pressure to sign up the choice is yours.

  • I want to be clear this is a no pressure sales call. I will find out a bit about you, your problems and how my program can bridge the gap to that dream corporate career! You will have the opportunity to ask me questions and go through details such as pricing etc. The expectation at the end of the call is for you to make an informed decision whether it be a yes or no.

    If you are unsure I will always offer to coach you for clarity and so you know what may be holding back. The final decision lies with you.